The Second Lockdown in England for Covid 19 meant that the Innsworth Lodge (8751) Meeting on the 28th of November 2020 had to be cancelled, as had all other Lodge Meetings. UGLE has suspended all Masonic activities in England until further notice. However, the Master of Innsworth (Bryan Roberts) wanted to ensure that contributions for the Lodge Widows’ Christmas Gifts were not neglected and he devised a “cunning plan”.
Founded as a Royal Air Force Lodge, Innsworth has its quota of ex-serving RAF personnel and many of the Brethren, both ex-Service and civilian, have an interest in aircraft. The WM decided to hold an on-line Aircraft Recognition Quiz on the evening of 28th November. The Brethren were invited to contribute a £5 entrance fee (or a donation if not competing in the quiz) which would go towards the Widows’ Christmas Gifts.
The plan was as follows:
- The WM would email the first of four rounds, to all those participating, at 1700 (to mark the time the Lodge should have been opened).
- Subsequent rounds would be at 15 minute intervals: at 1715, 1730 and 1745.
- The results would be sent just after 1800.
- The Lodge Charity Steward would identify an appropriate trophy.
Each round contained 15 aircraft to identify from illustrations in the Observer’s Aircraft Books. For example:

The winner of the Innsworth Lodge Covid Quiz Trophy 2020 was W. Bro Peter Brindle, who correctly identified 40 of the 60 aircraft displayed. Peter is a long-standing member of Innsworth Lodge and a retired RAF Senior Officer.
The Quiz was declared a resounding success by all participants and the Lodge widows will receive their Christmas gifts despite the Covid 19 Lockdown.