What a wonderful surprise awaited E Comp Dennis Roberts at our Installation on 24th October. As the meeting reached its final stages, in what can only be described as a cloak of secrecy fitting an episode of ‘Spooks’, the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, E Comp Graham King, imagebestowed him with his Certificate for Meritorious Service. In the presence of over 50 Royal Arch Masons attending the Innsworth Chapter Installation, He stood proud and somewhat shocked as the citation was read out to all assembled. Dennis has been a stalwart of Innsworth Chapter for over 31 years and his good service to the Chapter and the Province at large and his standing merited the recognition being given to him through this award. A man not normally lost for words, Dennis was certainly taken by surprise and shocked but still managed a few words to thank the ME Grand Superintendent for the honour. To mark the occasion he also received a suitably inscribed tankard. Congratulations Dennis. The Companions of Innsworth Chapter look forward to you keeping that tankard full for many years to come.